How to Get Rid of Termites

Termites can be incredibly damaging to your home. The early you find them and get rid of them the better chance you have of minimizing damage. In fact, if you find them before they have a chance to do any structural damage then you can treat the situation yourself and save tons of money in repairs and professional services. It is up to you to stay alert for the signs of termites and to do a regular check of your home to help ward off the pesky bugs.


Things You’ll Need:

  • Hand tools
  • Screen
  • Flashlight
  • Caulking and gun
  • Ladder
Inspect your home. You will need to look around for signs of termites. Start with watching for the actual termite which you may see in swarms. You should also look for damage. Use a flashlight to check out different hidden areas where the termites may be. You may want to use an awl to poke a hole into the wall or wood area to inspect for hollowness. Before using the awl you should tap the area with the handle of a hammer or a screwdriver to see if it sounds hollow. If you hear something suspicious then use the awl. You can also look for signs of burrowing and waste materials which are tan, red or black droppings.
Get professional advice. If you do find signs of termites then call a professional to come and take a look. Get an opinion on the extent of the damage and if there is anything structural to worry about.
If there is structural damage then your home will need treated by a professional. However, if the damage is still well contained you may be able to treat it yourself.
Make repairs and take preventative measures. You need to fix any area that attracts termites. Water leaks are a big problem. Fix leaky pipes, damaged gutters, roof damage and foundation drainage issues. Any wood that is in contact with soil should be removed or placed elsewhere. Vents to the home should be covered with screening.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you get professional treatment make sure that you get a guarantee for at least five years, which is the average of how long treatment should last.
  • Learn as much as possible about termites. The more you know about them will allow you to protect your home against them.

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